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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School


We strongly believe that in order for children to grow, they need to be taught the importance of choosing responsible behaviours and recognise the impact that this has on themselves and others. To do this they need to be equipped with an understanding of  the school’s three simple rules and how these relate to situations. It is our aim that children leave our school being able to do the following: 

Self-management – managing own emotions 

Self-awareness – recognising own emotions 

Social-awareness – having understanding and empathy for others 

Relationship skills – managing conflict and forming positive relationships 

Decision making skills – making good decisions and choices

Our rules are simple and easy for the children to remember; they transcend all that we do and are used to support and explain the importance of positive behaviour. Children are reminded regularly of the rules as they form part of our daily dialogue.

They are also displayed around our school. 

Be Ready 

Be Respectful 

Be Safe



To provide a positive model of behaviour by treating children, parents and one another with friendliness, care and courtesy in line with this policy. Everyone has an equal voice and is respected. 

To collectively support the school values and maintain positive attitudes as well as the importance of knowledge and skills and refer to these values when talking about behaviour. 

To work in partnership with pupil's parents. Parents should be regularly informed about their child's behaviour by the class teacher so that we can share positive comments about behaviour and also work with parents to address any recurring behaviours, attempting to support the child/family in problem solving. 

To aim for high levels of talk, collaboration and thinking in all that we do. 

To ensure our curriculum educates and supports pupils in making healthy choices 

That our leadership team is visible, creating and supporting a positive behaviour culture for all stakeholders



We aim to praise for growth. This means that we give children feedback by describing or acknowledging what they have done specifically and/or describing how it makes them feel. We praise them for what they have accomplished through our school rules, practice and study. We ask them about their work in a way that admires and appreciates their efforts and choices; we talk about the impact of learning on all of us and we talk about feelings. We do not offer praise that ‘judges’ their intelligence or talent or implies we are proud of them because of their intelligence or talent or sets out to control their behaviour. We support growth mindset theory- intelligence and talent just do not exist as hard and fast items- they are elastic and can grow and change as they grow and change. We try not to talk about or think about children in a way that puts a ceiling on our aspirations for them or their life chances. Our intention is that children feel rewarded by their personal efforts and achievements rather than extrinsic rewards, particularly as the children move through the school towards Key Stage 2. However, we will continue to nurture and develop children through class based rewards that acknowledge the abilities of all children and the differences that exist (we differentiate in approach, teaching and expectation for both their learning and behaviour needs).

Behaviour Handbook

Antibullying Policy

Antibullying and Hate Crime Handbook