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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School


At Churchdown Village Preschool (Cygnets) we care for children between the ages of 3 and 4 years old. Although Churchdown Village Preschool is situated within and part of Churchdown Village Infant School the preschool operates as a separate provision. The school operates its own admissions policy and admission to the preschool does not guarantee a place at the school. The preschool will operate term-time only to match the published term dates of Churchdown Village Infants School https://www.churchdownvillageinf.co.uk/



Parents will need to apply for a place at Churchdown Village Preschool using the child registration form if they wish their child to be considered for a place. Please contact the school for a registration form:

Email: admin.cvis@glatrust.org.uk

Telephone: 01452 714178

Please access a copy of our admissions policy here