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Station Road, Churchdown
Gloucestershire GL3 2NB

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01452 714178

Churchdown Village Infant School


Pupils enjoy coming to school. They appreciate the range of experiences beyond the classroom to nurture their interests.
Pupils are polite and show care towards each other.  They behave well in lessons. Pupils know what bullying is. They say it does not happen but know that if it did, staff would sort it out quickly.
Leaders understand the individual needs of pupils with SEND. They identify these early. Leaders make positive links with external agencies. Pupils with more complex learning needs receive effective tailored help, particularly in English and mathematics.
Overall, pupils have positive attitudes to their learning and behave well. They understand their teachers’ expectations. Those who sometimes struggle with their behaviour and emotions are well supported.
Pupils say they feel safe in school. They know who to go to if they have a concern. The curriculum supports pupils’ understanding of staying safe in various situations, including when online.

Read our 2022 OFSTED Report

Performance Tables


cvis performance data 23 24.pdf