At Churchdown Village Infant School, we begin the journey to equip children with essential skills for life. Our PSHE curriculum aims to provide our youngest children with the knowledge and skills to stay healthy, be mindful of their own wellbeing, build strong relationships and develop an understanding of being a member of the Churchdown community, whilst recognising that we live in a wider, connected world.
We want all of our children at Churchdown Village Infant school to know they are special, and to appreciate the special community we have around us. We do this by developing an understanding of ourselves as individuals and citizens and by asking children to reflect on how we can look after each other and the world. Our community events, such as Diwali and the Harvest Festival support this, where all are welcome to join together and celebrate being a part of the wider Churchdown community.
Our CVIS values, ‘be kind, be honest, be determined’ and school rules, ‘Ready. Respectful. Safe’ underpin our PSHE curriculum, providing a basis for understanding the wider British values and the importance of protecting the characteristics which make us all special.
PSHE in the Early Years
We understand the power PSHE can have on building community, respect and understanding in our EYFS classrooms. In Nursery and Reception, we use ‘Development Matters’ in order to understand next steps and incorporate Personal, Social, Emotional Development (PSED) through our PSHE lessons. Children build a wider understanding of the world by focusing on sense of self, and what makes themselves and others special – what better way than to start this journey through a celebration of ‘Marvellous Me!’
At Churchdown Infant School, children are given opportunities to develop these skills through continuous provision, whereby the focus is on building relationships and independence. Children use ‘Colour Monsters’ to support their emotional well-being and self-regulation, along with stories such as ‘Elmer’ and ‘Ruby’s Worry’. Children celebrate the diversity around them through learning about celebrations and religious events such as Diwali, Harvest and Eid.
PSHE in Key Stage 1
In Key stage 1, children develop their knowledge and skills across three key areas: ‘Relationships’, ‘Living in the Wider World’ and ‘Health and Wellbeing’. Our aim is to ensure PSHE sessions in Key Stage 1 are sociable and collaborative. We build children’s confidence to share ideas and work together. This develops self-esteem, resilience and celebrates achievements through fun tasks and challenges. We incorporate discussion, acting, creating, listening, reflecting on stories, investigating, making group decisions and begin to voice opinions through debates.
The National Curriculum
The National Curriculum states that Relationships Education and Health Education are compulsory for all primary schools. At Churchdown Village Infant School we are guided by Gloucestershire Healthy Living and Learning (GHLL). We use this support, alongside the knowledge of our children and context at Churchdown Village Infant School, to provide the PSHE curriculum just right for us.
From September 2020 Relationships (Sex) and Health Education is compulsory in all infant, junior and primary schools. RSHE aims to equip children and young people with the information, skills and values which they will need to lead safe, fulfilling, enjoyable relationships and which will help them go on to take responsibility for their sexual health and wellbeing in later years.
The aims of Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) at our school are to:
- Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
- Give pupils understanding of the importance of health and hygiene
- Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
- Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
- Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
At Churchdown Village Infant School we teach RSHE as set out in the following policy, and taught through our progressive PSHE curriculum.
Click the video below to find out more:
British Values
British Values are promoted at Churchdown Village Infant school across the curriculum and through everyday interactions. Assemblies, Religious Education, and PSHE provide explicit learning to ensure children have knowledge of British Values:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty
- Tolerance & Respect
We ensure all voices at Churchdown Village Infant School are heard. We teach democratic decision-making through our lessons, giving opportunities for choice. Our school council supports this, and are chosen by the children to represent them. Pupils express views through their lessons and regular ‘pupil voice’ is taken from subject leaders. Parents are encouraged to share feedback via our open-door policy, annual questionnaires and Community Committee.
The Rule of Law
Rules and law are consistently reinforced day to day through our school rules based on being: ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’. Children will be taught the value of rules and laws and the consequences when they are broken. We will have visits from local Police officers, Fire Service and military personal to reinforce their understanding.
We will help children to distinguish right from wrong during everyday interactions and discussions of stories and fables, such as ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’.
Individual Liberty
At Churchdown Village Infant School, children are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young children to make informed choices, through a safe environment and an empowering education. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedom and are supported to exercise these safely, for example through our E-safety and PSHCE lessons.
Tolerance & Respect
Being Respectful and kind is at the heart of our school rules: ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ and our school values: ‘Be kind, Be honest, Be determined’. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. We actively promote diversity through our lessons, including representing a range of individuals in our History, RE, Art and Music lessons. Through Religious Education, we celebrate other cultures and faiths such as Diwali, Luna New Year, Easter, Christmas and Harvest Festival.
What do our children say?
“PSHE helps me to be a good friend”
“I can sit and think about things”
“PSHE tells people how to respect me”
Supporting your child at home
- Create a safe space for your child to share feelings, friendships, and experiences.
- Listen actively and without judgment to make them feel heard.
- Involve them in practical activities like cooking, budgeting, or planning tasks.
- Discuss decision-making and its consequences in daily life.
- Practice mindfulness or relaxation techniques together to manage stress.
- Encourage reflection on their day and expressing gratitude.
- Use age-appropriate news or stories to talk about respect, diversity, and community.
- Highlight examples of good citizenship and how they can contribute.
- Teach the importance of balanced diets, regular exercise, and good sleep.
- Discuss personal hygiene and self-care routines.
- Explore books, videos, and games that teach PSHE concepts.